Sehubungan dengan “penugasan” saya ke London maka hari ini saya mengurus Visa setelah Surat Undangan dari kantor London datang tadi malam. Semua persyaratan segera disiapkan oleh bagian administrasi kantor yang hanya terdiri dari:

  1. surat keterangan kerja dari kantor;
  2. surat undangan;
  3. surat keterangan keuangan dari bank;
  4. fotokopi paspor;
  5. fotokopi ktp;
  6. fotokopi tanda booking ticket;
  7. foto ukuran 3.5cmx4.5cm

Tak lupa disertakan biaya administrasi di UKVisa sebesar IDR1.075.000

Setelah sholat jumat dan ditemani oleh istri, saya segera berlalu ke UKVisa yang terletak di lantai 22 di gedung yang sama dengan kantor tempat saya bekerja saat ini. Penjagaan yang tidak terlalu ketat namun cukup ketat segera menyambut saya di depan ruangan UKVisa. Saya diminta untuk mematikan HP dan dilakukan pengecekan seluruh badan dengan menggunakan metal detector. Setelah itu saya diijinkan masuk ke ruangan dengan layout yang mengingatkan saya akan layout seminar… tiga meja petugas dengan komputer masing-masing satu di depan dan berjejer kursi pemohon di depannya. Saat saya masuk, tidak ada pemohon lain sehingga saya diminta langsung ke depan oleh mbak-mbak petugas di depan Hanya diperiksa kelengkapan, diminta tanda tangan ini-itu kemudian bayar dan selesailah proses permohonan visa saya. Mbak-mbak itu kemudian memberitahu bahwa saya bisa mencek statusnya 2-3 hari ke depan.
Sekarang… tinggal tunggu hasil visanya deh.


  1. The UK, like the USA, is starting to tighten up their immigration and visa policies for those entering the UK. For most students who want to study in the UK read this blog carefully:
    Visa for UK the Advantage factor for UK candidates is that it is easy to get Student Visas. Almost all the candidates who receive a confirmed offer from a UK university and show evidence of financial support for tuition fees and living costs are sanctioned Visas. We have dedicated Visa consultants who can help you with Visa procedures. Once you have an offer from a university, you can start applying for a UK student Visa. Along with the visa form you need to submit personal information, academic qualifications, financial strengths etc. Generally you can obtain a visa for the entire duration of the course in the UK. All student visas are Multi Entry Visas.
    Now thought had to give some information to readers on what Visa For UK.
    Visa For UK is a UK based immigration company headquartered at Manchester and managed by UK immigration solicitors. They provide all kind of assistance to clients and cover almost all visa categories to the UK, namely business visits, holiday visit, HSMP Visa. However they mainly focus on student admission and visa documentation.
    The question that comes up these days is: when will the UK immigration system take effect and will I be affected by the changes. The system is of course being ‘rolled out’ slowly and until there is a definitive change, the old rules will apply.
    There has been huge increase in the number of students opting UK as a destination of study. It is gaining wide popularity, because of the global recognition of degrees awarded by UK universities. We assist our students in choosing the right course and the right institute.
    The Student Visitor Visa is for those that plan a stay of less than 6 months. Under the Student Visitor Visa, a student cannot have paid employment or an internship greater than 2 credit hours, and cannot extend their stay once they have arrived. For everyone else if you plan to stay more than 6 months, if you may extend beyond 6 months, or if you want to working in UK or have an internship greater than 2 credit hours — then you need to apply for a Student Visa/Prior Entry Clearance.
    All those who aspire to study in UK can always approach us.
    Please visit our
    we always and surely would help the aspirants.

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